Dried Liberty Caps for sale


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14 Grams, 1 Oz, 1 LB

Liberty caps for sale

The effects of liberty caps are similar to those from a mild dose of LSD and can vary depending on the mood, situation and expectation of the user. Effects come on after about half an hour and last up to 9 hours depending on the numbers taken.


Buy Liberty Caps Online

Buy Liberty Caps Online. Psilocybe semilanceata, also known as Liberty Caps, are considered the most widespread naturally growing psilocybin mushroom in the world, according to Psilopedia.

Not only that, but they’re also the third most potent, according to tests done in 1997 by Paul Stamets and Jochen Gartz, a German chemist and mycologist.

Identified in 1838, P. semilanceata was the first psilocybin mushroom native to Europe to be formally recognized.

This species is still wildly popular and abundant, especially in England, where the first report of a family tripping out on them appeared in print: In London, 1799, a family reportedly picked and ate wild mushrooms growing in Green Park, which caused one son to laugh uncontrollably, the father to believe he was dying, and most family members to have vertigo.

How many liberty caps does it take to trip?

20 – 30 liberty caps would be regarded as a full dose, but only one or part of a large fly agaric would be required.

How long does a Liberty Cap trip last?

9 hours. The effects of liberty caps are similar to those from a mild dose of LSD and can vary depending on the mood, situation and expectation of the user. Effects come on after about half an hour and last up to 9 hours depending on the numbers taken.

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14 Grams, 1 Oz, 1 LB


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