1P-LSD – 100ug – Schwifty Labs



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The best 1P-LSD – 100ug – Schwifty Labs

The best Schwifty Labs 1P-LSD Microdose Tincture is the perfect product to help users experience the benefits of a
much needed trip in a microdose form. Order your Schwifty Labs 1P-LSD microdose today!

1P-LSD also known as 1-Propionyl-Lyserguc Acid Diethylamide is a psychedelic substance that helps its users experience a much needed trip. To use this substance, it is best to microdose to avoid the highly deleterious effects such as hallucinations. The recommended microdose amount that will initiate a trip without causing a negative effect is about 5-10 mL.


Buy 1P-LSD – 100ug – Schwifty Labs

The best Schwifty Labs 1P-LSD Microdose Tincture is the perfect product to help users experience the benefits of a
much needed trip in a microdose form. Order your Schwifty Labs 1P-LSD microdose today!

1P-LSD also known as 1-Propionyl-Lyserguc Acid Diethylamide is a psychedelic substance that helps its users experience a much needed trip.

To use this substance, it is best to microdose to avoid the highly deleterious effects such as hallucinations. The recommended microdose amount that will initiate a trip without causing a negative effect is about 5-10 mL.

Health Benefits of 1P-LSD – 100ug – Schwifty Labs

  • It helps to treat depression and other anxiety conditions
  • It boosts blood flow into the cerebrum thereby improving brain functions
  • It helps to counteract sexually related problems such as improving the sex drive
  • It has been said to boost creativity and cognitive functions
  • It increases empathy
  • It boosts self-confidence and improves self-esteem
  • It potentially improves healthy human relationship

Every square tab of available LSD or 1P-LSD usually contain 100-125 micrograms. The tab is processed into smaller quantities usually in powdery, pelleted forms, or in liquid suspensions.

The process of using 1P-LSD in very or little quantity day-in-day-out is not allowed.

Drugs which have hallucinogenic property (psychedelics) like 1P-LSD produce a vigor, even if it is used in smaller quantity, so you might see reducing returns after some days

. Dr. Fadiman James thus advised that the use of psychedelic drugs should be spaced with at-least two days in- between micro-dosing days.


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